New Jersey Butterfly Club

A chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA)

Two-spotted Skipper

Euphyes bimacula

Identification: Very small—FW ≥0.6". Above: Male FW with orange patch crossed by a dark, jagged stigma. Wide dark borders along trailing edge. Female FW dark brown with tawny leading edge, pale 2-spot “bracelet," and usually crossed by 3 additional pale spots. HW in both sexes variably tawny, usually unmarked. Below: Sexes similar. FW and HW yellow-orange to dull brown with pale veining. With wings open, 2 spots are visible on the underside of the FW. Best distinguishing characteristic is bold white line along bottom edge of HW. Similar skippers: Arogos Skipper looks similar below but is bright orange, lacks the white line on the HW, and does not occur in acid-bog habitats. Swarthy Skipper is smaller, all-dark above, and occurs in dry, upland habitats.

NJ Status and Distribution: Special Concern. Resident. Very rare and local. Formerly more widespread throughout.

NJ Range Map-Two-spotted Skipper

Habitat: Acid bogs.

Flight Period: One brood—mid-June to mid- July. Extreme dates: 6/8—7/3.

Caterpillar Food Plants: Wetland sedges in the genus Carex, and possibly other sedge genera.

Overwintering Stage: Mid-stage caterpillar.

Good Locations: Wharton SF, Franklin Parker Preserve.

Comments: Sometimes found nectaring on Goldencrest (Lophiola aurea).

Two-spotted Skipper

Male, Lakehurst, Ocean Co., NJ, 6/19/09.

Two-spotted Skipper

Female, Atlantic Co., NJ, 6/26/21, showing 2 spots visible on underside of FW.

Two-spotted Skipper

Female, Lakehurst Bog, Ocean Co. NJ, 6/24/95.

Two-spotted Skipper

Lakehurst, Ocean Co., NJ, 6/21/08, on Goldencrest.