New Jersey Butterfly Club

A chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA)

Sleepy Orange

Eurema nicippe

Identification: Small—1.7” (similar to Cabbage White). Almost never seen with wings open. Sexes similar. Below: FW bright orange with a small black spot just below the middle of the forward edge. HW bright yellow/orange with dark red diagonal marks and, occasionally, small, dark, concentric flecks. Appears bright orange in flight.

NJ Status and Distribution: Normally (until recently), a nonresident. Primarily a southern species that regularly strays to southern NJ in small numbers. Apparently persistent populations have become established at Dix WMA in Cumberland Co. and at Duke Farms in Somerset Co.

NJ Range Map-Sleepy Orange

Habitat: Open habitats with host plants.

Flight Period: June into October but most seen in late summer and fall. Extreme dates: North Jersey 6/19-11/7; South Jersey 4/6-12/1.

Caterpillar Food Plants: Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata), Wild Sensitive Plant (C. nictitans), and American Senna (Senna, [formerly Cassia] hebecarpa).

Overwintering Stage: Unknown. Appears to overwinter at Dix WMA, and possibly Duke Farms.

Good Locations: Dix WMA, Belleplain SF, Duke Farms, Watershed Institute Main Reserve (Hopewell Twp.).

Comments: With a rapidly warming climate, butterfliers in North Jersey might regularly get the chance to see this brilliant little butterfly.

Sleepy Orange

White Lake NRA, Warren Co., NJ, 10/4/13.

Sleepy Orange

Dix WMA, Cumberland Co., NJ, 10/18.

Caterpillar on Senna

Caterpillar on American Senna.

American Senna

American Senna, a caterpillar food plant for Sleepy Orange.