New Jersey Butterfly Club

A chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA)

Silver-bordered Fritillary

Boloria selene

Identification: Small—1.6" (between size of Pearl Crescent and American Lady). Above: FW and HW bright orange with many distinct, black marks. Differs from Meadow Fritillary in having a relatively solid black band along the margins of both wings. FW tip more rounded than in Meadow Fritillary. Below: Silver spots on hindwing easily distinguish it from the unspotted Meadow Fritillary, and its small size easily separates it from the much larger Great Spangled Fritillary, which has similar silver spots.

NJ Status and Distribution: Former resident. Once occurred in most counties, the last few colonies were in Middlesex, Monmouth and Sussex counties.

NJ Range Map-Silver-bordered Fritillary

Habitat: Open, sunny, herbaceous or mixed herbaceous/shrub wetlands. Unreported from gardens.

Flight Period: Usually three broods from early May to late September, with peak flight times in May (some locations), early summer, and late summer. Timing of adult emergence varies slightly from site to site and year to year. Extreme dates: 5/7—9/27.

Caterpillar Food Plants: Violets (Viola).

Overwintering Stage: Caterpillar.

Good Locations: None.

Silver-bordered Fritillary

Sussex Co., NJ, 7/9/08, on Spotted Knapweed.

Silver-bordered Fritillary

Sussex Co., NJ, 7/15/09, on Spiked Lobelia.