New Jersey Butterfly Club

A chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA)

Salt Marsh Skipper

Panoquina panoquin

Identification: Very small—FW ≥0.5", with long, narrow wings typical of the genus. Sexes similar. Above: FW and HW yellowish to dark brown with several pale FW spots: a "bracelet," 3 diagonal spots, and a cell-end spot, all of which are usually more prominent in females. A faint streak on HW mirrors the underside. Below: FW and HW light brown with pale veins and a distinct, short, white stripe in middle of HW. Alternate dark and pale stripes along length of abdomen. Similar skippers: Ocola is similar in shape and color but lacks the white stripe on the HW below.

NJ Status and Distribution: Resident. Locally common in colonies in and near salt marshes from Ocean to Salem counties.

NJ Range Map-Salt Marsh Skipper

Habitat: Salt marshes and nearby fields, meadows, and gardens.

Flight Period: Two broods—June-July, and August-September. Extreme dates: 5/29—10/17.

Caterpillar Food Plants: Not known for certain, but suspected to be Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) and/or Saltgrass (Distichlis spicata).

Overwintering Stage: Unreported.

Good Locations: Forsythe NWR, Wetlands Institute, Dennis Creek WMA, Heislerville WMA, MacNamara WMA, Glades Preserve.

Comments: Seen in and along salt marshes often seen nectaring at Sweetscent (aka Saltmarsh Fleabane—Pluchea odorata) and the tiny flowers of Lavender Thrift (aka Sea Lavender—Limonium carolinianum). Should be looked for in remnant salt marshes from Monmouth County north to Bergen County.

Salt Marsh Skipper

Male, Forsythe NWR, Atlantic Co., NJ, 7/28/21.

Salt Marsh Skipper

Female, Wetlands Institute, Cape May Co., NJ, 10/3/17.

Salt Marsh Skipper

Heislerville WMA, Cumberland Co., NJ, 6/26/02, on Spotted Knapweed.

Saltmarsh Grasses

A NJ saltmarsh with 3 species of butterfly host plants. In the foreground is Smooth Cordgrass which may be a primary host for Saltmarsh Skipper and possibly Aaron's Skipper. In the middle distance is Big Cordgrass (S. cynosuroides) which is a host for Rare Skipper and Broad-winged Skipper. And the tall grass in the back is Common Reed (Phragmites australis) which is another host for Broad-winged Skipper.