New Jersey Butterfly Club

A chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA)


Danaus gilippus

Identification: Large—3.2" (slightly smaller than Monarch). Above: FW and HW dark, rich, orange-brown with white-spotted black margins and many small white spots in outer half of FW. Veins not blackened as in Monarch. Male has conspicuous black scent patch on an inner HW vein. Below: FW and HW dark orange-brown with white-spotted black margins. FW has scatted white spots in outer portion, HW has heavily blackened veins.

NJ Status and Distribution: Vagrant, only 4-5 sightings. One photo-documented record in July 2001, a sighting in June 2003, a sighting in July 2003, a photo-documented record of one or two individuals in October 2008 and another photo-documented record from September 2018.

NJ Range Map-Queen

Habitat: Open areas and gardens.

Flight Period: None, but most likely to be seen in summer and early fall.

Caterpillar Food Plants: Various plants in the milkweed family.

Overwintering Stage: Adult, but does not overwinter in NJ.

Good Locations: None.

Comments: It will never be known whether any of the sightings in NJ were of genuine vagrants or of individuals released during weddings or other events.


Male, Naples, FL, 4/2/13.


Female, Bentsen Rio Grande Valley SP, TX, 10/31/09.


Cochise Co., AZ, 9/5/12.