New Jersey Butterfly Club

A chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA)

Long Dash

Polites mystic

Identification: Very small—FW ~0.6". Above: Male FW has long, dark diagonal line, pinched in the middle, surrounded by orange. Male HW has central orange patch that is surrounded by dark borders, crossed by a vague dark band, and with dark veins. Female above is similar to male but smaller amounts of orange make it appear darker. Below: HW yellowish-brown with a broad, smoothly curved yellow spotband paralleling the trailing edge, and an inner yellow spot. Female pattern is similar but base color is darker, making yellow markings more prominent. Similar skippers: On Indian Skipper the yellow spotband on the HW below is not smoothly curved—the central spot projects rearward.

NJ Status and Distribution: Resident. Rare and very local in Morris, Warren, and Sussex counties.

NJ Range Map-Long Dash

Habitat: Grassy marshes and moist meadows.

Flight Period: One brood, late-May—late-June. Extreme dates: May 22—July 11.

Caterpillar Food Plants: Bluegrasses (Poa spp.).

Overwintering Stage: Middle-instar caterpillar.

Good Locations: Schooley’s Mountain CP.

Comments: Although always rather local, Long Dash was formerly more widespread in North Jersey. Not reported from any location other than Schooley’s Mountain CP since 2020. Partial to nectaring on the native Harlequin Blueflag Iris.

Long Dash

Male, Ogdensburg Borough, Sussex Co., NJ, 6/12/11.

Long Dash

Female, Schooley's Mountain CP, Morris Co., NJ, 6/4/11, on Blue Flag Iris.

Long Dash

Male, Schooley's Mountain CP, Morris Co., NJ, 6/5/11, on Canada Thistle.

Long Dash

Female, Schooley's Mountain CP, Morris Co., NJ, 6/4/11.