Callophrys polios
Identification: Tiny—size of Eastern Tailed-Blue. Almost never seen with wings open. Below: FW and HW brown, darker toward the base of the HW, with frosting on margins of both FW and HW. Similar hairstreaks: Frosted Elfin has frosting only on HW, and has dark spot near HW tails that Hoary lacks. Brown Elfin completely lacks frosting.
NJ Status and Distribution: Resident. Rare and very local in Ocean and Burlington counties. Classified as Threatened in NJ.
Habitat: Open areas where the host plant grows.
Flight Period: Late April to late May. Extreme dates: South Jersey 3/30-5/28.
Caterpillar Food Plants: Mainly Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi); possibly also Trailing Arbutus (Epigaea repens).
Overwintering Stage: Pupa.
Good Locations: Penn SF, Bamber Lake Park (Lacey Twp.), Manchester WMA, Warren Grove RA.
Comments: Bearberry is a reasonably common ground cover in the Pine Barrens but only a few colonies are known to support Hoary Elfin.