New Jersey Butterfly Club

A chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA)

Henry's Elfin

Callophrys henrici

Identification: Very small—size of thumbnail. Almost never seen with wings open. Below: Inner portions of FW and HW dark brown, outer portions markedly lighter brown. Narrow white marks define the ends of the bands separating light areas from dark. Also, when fresh has violet frosting on outer HW near short tails. Similar hairstreaks: Brown Elfin is uniformly brown (not two-toned) and lacks white marks and frosting. Frosted Elfin has dark spot on HW near tails.

NJ Status and Distribution: Resident. Occurs only from Burlington and Monmouth counties south.

NJ Range Map-Henry's Elfin

Habitat: Open, including disturbed, areas near host plants.

Flight Period: Early April to mid-May. Extreme dates: North Jersey 4/14-5/15; South Jersey 3/11-5/30.

Caterpillar Food Plants: Mostly American Holly (Ilex opaca), which is a common native tree on sandy soils of the Coastal Plain.

Overwintering Stage: Pupa.

Good Locations: Sandy Hook GNRA, Brigantine section of Forsythe NWR, Glassboro WMA, Woodcock Trail at Cape May NWR.

Comments: Additional sites that support this species await discovery by the intrepid naturalist.

Henry's Elfin

Sandy Hook, Monmouth Co., NJ, 4/11/10, on Rubus.

Henry's Elfin

Glassboro WMA, Gloucester Co., NJ, 4/13/18.

Henry's Elfin

Nectaring on Beach Plum, Sandy Hook, Monmouth Co., NJ, 4/25/16.

American Holly

American Holly, caterpillar food plant for Henry’s Elfin.