New Jersey Butterfly Club

A chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA)

Common Checkered-Skipper

Pyrgus communis

Identification: Very small—1.1". Above: FW and HW black, with many, mostly rectangular, white spots that give a checkered appearance; spots form a white band across mid-HW. Female, with smaller white spots, appears noticeably darker than male. Male (as well as some fresh females) has bluish, hairlike scales on body and inner wings. Wing fringes are white with blackish checks. Below: FW and HW creamy-white with dark markings, including 2 jagged-edged bands across HW.

NJ Status and Distribution: Resident, at least in South Jersey, and may be extending its residency north, as evidenced by recurrence in semipermanent colonies at some locations. Uncommon, though occasionally locally common.

NJ Range Map-Common Checkered-Skipper

Habitat: Mainly open, sunny, disturbed areas, often with bare soil, in the vicinity of food plants.

Flight Period: Three broods, May to November. Extreme dates: North Jersey 4/23—11/15; South Jersey 4/28—11/29.

Caterpillar Food Plants: Common Mallow, or Cheeses (Malva neglecta), Hollyhock (Althea), Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti), and other plants in the Mallow family.

Overwintering Stage: Caterpillar.

Good Locations: Difficult to specify, as colonies come and go along with their rather ephemeral food plants. It’s best to check Recent Sightings for current observations.

Comments: Although strikingly marked and obvious at rest, this small, low-flying butterfly looks like a grayish moth in flight and might easily be overlooked.

Common Checkered-Skipper

Male, Kittatinny Valley State Park, Sussex Co., NJ, 8/13/12, on Common Yellow Oxalis (Oxalis stricta).

Common Checkered-Skipper

Female, White Lake NRA, Warren Co., NJ, 8/22/06.

Common Checkered-Skipper

Cape May Point, Cape May Co., NJ, 9/23/17, on Marigold.

Common Mallow

Common Mallow, or Cheeses (Malva neglecta) is one of several weedy, non-native caterpillar food plants for Common Checkered-Skipper.