New Jersey Butterfly Club

A chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA)

Cobweb Skipper

Hesperia metea

Identification: Very small—FW <0.6". Sexes similar below. Above: Male FW brown with a faint orange field surrounding the black stigma, a pale spot at outer end of stigma, a pale "bracelet," and two small, isolated spots toward wingtip. HW dark brown with faint chevron mirroring underwing pattern. Female FW is dark brown with several white spots crossing the wing, a white bracelet, and two tiny white dots near the leading edge. Below: HW brown with a white chevron, an irregular central white spot, and white along the veins, creating a cobweb effect. Similar skippers: No other NJ skipper has a cobweb pattern below.

NJ Status and Distribution: Resident. Widespread, but uncommon and local. Somewhat more common on the coastal Plain than in northern NJ.

NJ Range Map-Cobweb Skipper

Habitat: Open, relatively barren areas dominated by Little Bluestem Grass. In northern counties can be found in small forest clearings surrounding exposed ledgerock. More common on sandy soils.

Flight Period: Flies only in spring, with one brood peaking in May. Extreme dates: North Jersey 4/22—6/11; South Jersey 4/15—6/10.

Caterpillar Food Plants: Mainly Little Bluestem Grass (Schizachyrium scoparium), and other bluestems and beardgrasses (Andropogon).

Overwintering Stage: Mature caterpillar.

Good Locations: Mountainside Park, Ramapo Mountain SF, Warren Grove RA, Peaslee WMA, Estell Manor Road, Rt. 83 power line.

Comments: The first grass-skipper of spring, and flies for only a few weeks. Frequently perches on bare ground.

Cobweb Skipper

Male, Warren Grove RA, Ocean Co., NJ, 5/9/09.

Cobweb Skipper

Female, Mountainside Pk., Morris Co., NJ, 5/18/08.

Cobweb Skipper

Warren Grove RA, Ocean Co., NJ, 5/9/09.