New Jersey Butterfly Club

A chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA)

Aaron's Skipper

Poanes aaroni

Identification: Very small—FW ≥ 0.6". Above: Male FW and HW mostly orange with wide brown border along the trailing edges. FW with "bird's head" mark (brown "head" and curved "bill," with orange "eye") pointing inward from wingtip. Female has smaller yellow areas on both wings, crossed by dark veins. Below: Sexes similar. FW and HW pale yellow-brown or darker olive with paler, somewhat obscure, stripe along length of HW. Orange at base of FW usually visible. Similar skippers: Broad-winged Skipper is larger, and streak on rustier HW below is usually crossed by a short spotband. Dion Skipper has 2 rays on HW below. Aaron's is seldom seen any significant distance from its salt-marsh habitat.

NJ Status and Distribution: Resident. Generally uncommon and local in and near salt and brackish marshes in the southern counties; can be locally abundant some years.

NJ Range Map-Aaron's Skipper

Habitat: Salt marshes and nearby fields and meadows. Visits gardens near marshes.

Flight Period: Two broods—June into July, and August-September. Extreme dates: 5/15—10/10.

Caterpillar Food Plants: Possibly Saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) and Salt Marsh Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora).

Overwintering Stage: Unknown.

Good Locations: MacNamara WMA, Dennis Creek WMA, TNC Eldora Preserve, Forsythe NWR.

Comments: Apparently less widely distributed in southern NJ than Salt Marsh Skipper.

Aaron's Skipper

Male, Cape May, Cape May County, NJ, 9/8/08.

Aaron's Skipper

Cape May, Cape May County, NJ, 9/10/07